Compassion & Hope
Food Basket

Compassion & Hope
Compassion & Hope Food Basket, located at 1728 Main Street of Brent Alabama, is striving to open its doors seven days a week, to welcome and feed the hungry in our community. The amount of people who need access to a daily meal is constantly growing and we are seeking financial help to fight against hunger. All donations will go directly toward providing a nutritious meal to the hungry.
Jesus told us that when we feed the hungry and take care of the least of these, we are serving Him. (Matthew 25:34-40)
One of people's basic needs is food. No one can go without it. We all need food. Yet, many in the world go hungry. Believe it or not, many in Bibb County go hungry.

Compassion & Hope Food Basket is a registered 501
(c)3 nonprofit organization and contributions are tax deductible. We are asking you to join the fight, along with volunteers and the community who give their time and resources to help us feed the hungry. Please consider financially supporting this wonderful ministry.

Only through the cooperative strength of many can we make a difference in the lives of those in need in our community. Providing food for those in need is something each person can actively be a part of. Not everyone can help everyone, but, everyone can help someone.

Our mission is to feed the hungry. Showing the love of God by meeting both Physical and Spiritual needs of those we serve with Compassion, Faith and Hope,